Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A Challenging Reading Test That Made Me Think

 Hi bloggers, for the first day and week in Te Ngahere of term two we had a reading test. The reading test was about seeing how well we can follow instructions. We had 4 minutes to do the test. The first instruction was to read everything carefully before doing anything. I followed that instruction but I looked around and the whole class was putting their name in the top left hand corner so I did that to. I guess I was not trusting my instincts. Once I did that I went through the whole list of directions and done them one by one. There were 23 directions and I got to the 20th direction and the timer went off. It was very confusing because I was doing my things and I looked around and everyone was doing something different. It was very funny to because the teacher had told us not to talk but some of the directions were telling us to yell our name, I am the master of following directions and I am almost finish. When I read the last instruction it told us to only do the first two instructions and draw on the back of the paper. When the teacher read that to us we all went ugh it was really funny. Now that we done that test I will try to read everything carefully.

Have you ever done a reading test that confused you???


  1. Kia ora Azure it’s Jaelyn - Marie. I really like your blog post about your “a challenging reading test that made me think” because you have added a lot of detail and you have explained it very well. I also like your blog post because you have organised your paragraphs very well. My answer for your question is: “yes I have done a reading test that has confused me because it was the same reading test as you”
    Even though everyone got it wrong what was the good side of this reading test in your point of view?

  2. Hi Azure its me Poet, I like your blog post because you added a lot of details and you have explained your title very well and the writing to go with it. Also I like you blog post because you organised your paragraphs very well. The answer for your question is yes I have done a confusing reading test before because it was the same test as you.
    Even though everybody got it wrong what was the good side of this reading test?
