Kia ora bloggers during lockdown me and my friend Mahana made a guess the book challenge and during our Google Meet me and her shared our guess the book game to the class and they really liked it. This is a game that we made up because during our online class we had been watching a guess the movie using only emojis and we got an idea to make a guess the book challenge. While me and Mahana were making our guess the book game we were kind of struggling to find books that most of our classmates knew because some books were books that not many of our classmates knew. We used emojis to replicate what book we were trying to symbolize.
How many books do you recognize??? How many books do you think that you will get right???
Hi Azure, I'm Tillie from Ahipara school. I really like your writing you did for the Guess The Book Challenge, it was so cool! Keep up the good work, bye.