Kia ora bloggers at Paihia School we have had the most fun Wacky Wednesday. At Paihia due to Covid-19 we have not been able to do most of the events that we usually do so the teachers and our principle have arranged a Smorgasbord of activities that we are doing this term. The activities are set out through the last term of our school year the activities we're: W3 Friday - Treasure hunt, W4 Thursday - PAL day, W5, Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday, W6 - Colour Run, W7 Friday - Talent Quest and W8 Friday - PAL Beach day. Today is Wacky Wednesday so, what is Wacky Wednesday? you might ask. Wacky Wednesday is a day that you get to dress up as wacky as you want and nobody cares because it is wacky Wednesday. I really enjoy Wacky Wednesday because I get to see all of my friends dress up and put on the MOST WACKIEST day ever. In our class I think that the best dressed is everyone who put their effort into their costume.
At your school do you have Wacky Wednesday or a day that you get to dress up as anything???
I am a Year 6 learner at Paihia School in Paihia,New Zealand. I am in Te Ngahere my teachers are Wheae Becks, Wheae Chrissy, Gina, Mr Lindsy and Wheae Ronnie.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
The Most Wackiest Wacky Wednesday
Monday, September 27, 2021
Learning About Scams And Phishing
Kia ora bloggers this week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about scams and phishing on the internet. We were doing this because a lot of us use things on our chromebook that are not secure. These are also things that we need to learn so we know what to do if this happens in the future. . While I was doing this I was sort of struggling with the last two things that are in my DLO that you will see,an needed some help with them. Here are some tips to help you stay safe online: if you get a email from a random person saying that you have won something that you haven’t entered a competition to win something and they ask you for your personal information like your email address, your home address, your full name and your birth date you shouldn’t add it in because they have already emailed you but they are asking you for your email address and it sounds too good to be true.
What do you know about staying safe online???
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Guess The Book Challenge
Kia ora bloggers during lockdown me and my friend Mahana made a guess the book challenge and during our Google Meet me and her shared our guess the book game to the class and they really liked it. This is a game that we made up because during our online class we had been watching a guess the movie using only emojis and we got an idea to make a guess the book challenge. While me and Mahana were making our guess the book game we were kind of struggling to find books that most of our classmates knew because some books were books that not many of our classmates knew. We used emojis to replicate what book we were trying to symbolize.
How many books do you recognize??? How many books do you think that you will get right???
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Going On Some Long Night Walks
Kia ora bloggers for a couple days me my aunty and my sister Jade have been going on night walks and we have so far been on 2 night walks. On the first walk we went to Third Bay and my aunty brought her phone and on the way back home my aunty turned on the step counter on her phone. Once we had turned it on I asked my aunty if I could hold the phone and it counted how many steps I did and I did over 4000 steps. On the second walk we walked to Third Bay again but we turned the step counter on when we left the house. When we got to Third Bay the counter was at 4000+ and when we were on our way home my aunty asked us how many steps we think that I would step and who ever got the closest would get five dollars from the other contestants. I guessed that I would have done 10,112 steps and my aunty guessed that I would have don 10,200 steps( Jade didn’t play because she wanted to save her money). I got the closest because there were 9133 steps and my aunty didn’t give me my five dollars.
Have you ever been on a night walk before???
Monday, August 30, 2021
Trying To Catch A Feisty Kitten
Kia ora bloggers yesterday on the 29th of August my sister and I caught a kitten because my nan wanted the little kitten, we were aloud to take the kitten because we asked the person that lived at the house if we could try catch the kitten and they said that we could have it if we could catch it ( he even said that he couldn’t even catch it). We tried on saturday the 28th but we didn’t succeed but the we tried the next day and we got it. We used my cats food to trap it so we could get it. It was hard to catch this kitten because it was a very feisty kitten and i got a lot of scratch and bite marks. The kitten is currently living with us and is comfortable with us petting and holding it. Me and my sister also think that it has a twin and we also think that there is another set of twins that is related to our kitten.
Have you ever tried to catch a animal before???
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Shrinking Island Taskmaster Challenge
Kia ora bloggers in Te Ngahere we did a task master challenge called the shrinking island challenge. The way it worked was we had to get into groups of four and one of us had to go to the teacher and gat a piece of newspaper there was two pieces of newspaper tapped together, there would be different rounds and each round we had to fold the paper and we had to try and stand on it for five seconds while the teacher was watching. We were aloud to do anything as long as we were standing on the newspaper. This was easy at first but when it got challenging was when the newspaper kept getting smaller and smaller. We were aloud in groups of 4-5 and we chose to do 4 people because it would be easier for us to fit in the paper. My group was Mikaila, Tiana, Alexandria and I, we did not win but we thought we did well. We did another round of this but we did it in groups of three and it was a lot easier because w picked people that had small feet , my group was Tiana, Anika and I.
Have you ever heard of taskmaster before( before you read my blog)???
Monday, August 23, 2021
Going Into Lockdown For A Few Days
Kia ora bloggers we have been put into lockdown until saturday. There has been a case of Covid - 19 so the whole of New Zealand has been put into lockdown some for longer than others and other shorter than others. This means that we will be having classes using google hangouts, my classes are at 10.00am and 2.00pm. I personally love school this morning I was crying because my aunty wouldn’t let me do my school work because I let her watch her show and she didn’t want to give me my chromebook back. When my aunty finally gave me my chromebook the hangouts were over so I decided to do something else. The next hang out was at 2.00pm so i had to wait, at this point it was like 10.55. I had to wait for around 3 and a half hours to go on our next class. This came to me as a shock when I found out that we were going into lockdown.
Have you ever been into lockdown before or how long have you been in lockdown???
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Creating A Short 4 Shot Movie
Kia ora bloggers in Te Ngahere we made 4 shot movies, these movies could be about anything that we wanted it to be about. We had to include these four shots establishing shot which tells you where the story takes place, a long distance shot to show you where the character is placed, a medium shot shows you more detail about what the character is doing and a close up to show you what the character is doing but at a better angle. We did all of our shots but I think that we might have forgot to do the medium shot, I think that we did the establishing shot and the long distance shot well but I think that we did the medium shot and the close up wrong. I think that my group did well when we were making our film because we done the close up shot really good but when we did the medium shot it wasn’t really a shot of the waist up, it was sort of a shot of the waist up and then the legs. I think that we could have done the medium shot better because like I before said it had her legs in the shot too, also the close up showed more than it was supposed to. I think that this learning will help me with my movie because now I know what shots that I can do and I can also do more shots too. This took us about ten minutes to do the film but when we were editing we found out that we done the wrong establishing shot so we had to retake our establishing shot.
Have you ever made a film before???
Monday, August 16, 2021
Learning About The I Am Hope Charity
Kia Ora bloggers on Tuesday the 10th of August we had two people from the I Am Hope Charity come in to Te Ngahere to and help us understand Mental Health, he was also talking about how his life changed because of a guy named Elliott. Their names are Tai and Trent, Trent is Tai’s bodyguard, he follows Tai around in order to keep him safe . It was very interesting when he was talking about his life story because he was saying that he grew up in a family that he was only aloud to speak when spoken to. My favourite part was when he was talking about his dream about being a professional rugby player and that it came true and on tryouts his dad was on the sideline and he felt confident, he said that they had to practice for the whole week before the game. On the day before the game when they had a runthrough on how they would play the game and he broke his ankle. I learnt that Tai and the I am hope charity give people free counseling meetings
Have you ever heard about the I Am Hope Charity???
Thursday, August 12, 2021
The Amazing Great Marble Challenge Take 2
Kia ora bloggers on the last day of term 2 we did The Great Marble Challenge Take 2. We did it again because at the end of the first one we had to write a reflection about what we would do better next time?, how many points we got, did you think your ramp was good?. My group was Charlize and Shivam, we could either make a new ramp or modify our old ramp. We were doing this for the science fair because we were learning about the scientific method and The Great Marble Challenge has a small bit of the scientific method in it. When we got to choose if we wanted to make a new ramp or modify our old ramp we chose to modify it because we got 17 points the first time but it was constantly landing on three points and two points. It made a difference because we got 16 points this time. I enjoyed testing the ramps because it was fun when we did the drum roll and found out who was the winners.
Have you ever built a marble ramp before???
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Interesting Learning About Dot Plot Graphs
Did you know about dot plot graphs???
Interesting Learning About The Science Fair
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Interesting Learning About Science
Kia ora bloggers last week in Te Ngahere we went to a science roadshow. I learnt that if you use a mirror and position it at the right angle with something surrounding the mirror like pipes that were about 20 cm long, it would make it look even longer when you look into it. My favourite exhibit was one that had a ball floating on it with an air flow holding it up, because the boy that was helping us he had three different things that the ball could go on or in. It was my favorite exhibit because you were able to tilt and touch it. When you tilt it it changes the angle of where the air flow was coming from and you turn the table to use the different activities that were on it. I learnt about fair testing and learnt that you should only change one thing at a time. We went to the science roadshow to check out some exhibits to get some ideas for our science fair and learn lots more about science. It was very fun to go to the science roadshow because we got to learn about science in a fun way.
Have you ever been to a science roadshow???
Friday, June 4, 2021
One Amazing Day At Urupukapuka Island
Kia ora bloggers this week in Te Ngahere the year six kids in Te Ngahere went to Urupukapuka Island for Project Island Song.I learnt that the difference between manuka and kanuka are that kanuka is soft when you squeeze it and manuka is hard when you squeeze it. A way to remember that is kanuka is kind k for kind and manuka is mean m for mean. Project Island Song is about bringing down the numbers of pests in New Zealand and bringing back the bird song. The Project Island Song team have cleared seven Islands in the Bay Of Islands and they call the seven Islands Ipipiri. On the first of june we went to the warf to go to Urupukapuka Island we went on the explore boat. There were about 11 rows of seats I sat in the third on the way there and the back four rows got to sit on the bour half way there and the rest of us sat on the front on the other half. When we got there we had morning tea to fill up our stomachs for the walk. After we finished our morning tea we split up into two groups. I was in the group that was planting first and the other group was making traps for pests. When we got split up my group got to name our group there were a few suggestions one was group one the other was roupu tahi and super seeds we called our group super seeds. We went for a walk up a big hill and went down the hill too ( there was lots of sheep poo but there was lots of sheep there too). When we got to our destination we had to climb a fence and help each other too. When we got over we walked up another hill and we got into groups of four. When we got into our groups we got given a tree to plant. When we planted the tree there were nine steps. After we finished planting we walked back to the grounds that our bags were left at and had lunch. After lunch we made traps to go around our school. We got into groups of three in my group was Charlize, Amber and I.when we finished our trap we got to draw on it and because we finished first we got a trap put in ours. After this we got a photo of our trap, when the other group came back we packed up our stuff and went to the boat. The biosecurity people had to tick off our name if we were there to make sure we didn't leave anyone behind. On our way back about half way through the ride we seen bottlenose dolphins and common dolphins. Have you ever seen a bottlenose dolphin Before???
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
A challenging Epro 8 Challenge
Hi bloggers, this week in Te Ngahere for maths we did a Epro 8 challenge. The challenge was about two different types of energy and making catapults. The two types of energy are called kinetic energy and potential energy. Potential energy is when something is still and kinetic energy is when it takes the potential energy and makes it move. We had four tasks to do, my group and I found it easy to do the first task because the criteria said to build a device that can launch a ping pong ball at least three meters before touching the ground. My group and I found it challenging to do the second task because we had to modify our device. Only the judge can touch our device with their pinky finger and then launch the ping pong ball at least three meters in the air before touching the ground. The next time we do this I think our group could read the criteria more carefully.
Have you ever done a challenge that was complicated???
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
A Challenging Reading Test That Made Me Think
Hi bloggers, for the first day and week in Te Ngahere of term two we had a reading test. The reading test was about seeing how well we can follow instructions. We had 4 minutes to do the test. The first instruction was to read everything carefully before doing anything. I followed that instruction but I looked around and the whole class was putting their name in the top left hand corner so I did that to. I guess I was not trusting my instincts. Once I did that I went through the whole list of directions and done them one by one. There were 23 directions and I got to the 20th direction and the timer went off. It was very confusing because I was doing my things and I looked around and everyone was doing something different. It was very funny to because the teacher had told us not to talk but some of the directions were telling us to yell our name, I am the master of following directions and I am almost finish. When I read the last instruction it told us to only do the first two instructions and draw on the back of the paper. When the teacher read that to us we all went ugh it was really funny. Now that we done that test I will try to read everything carefully.
Have you ever done a reading test that confused you???
Friday, April 16, 2021
Amazing Learning About Te Reo Maori
For a few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been working on Te Reo Maori pronunciation. We had to go on a site called Education Perfect. We went on this site because we had to learn to pronounce the correct way of saying the alphabet, greetings and place names in Maori. We went on Education Perfect and screencastify ourselves saying the place names, alphabet and greetings in Maori. It took me a long time to finish because my screencastify was playing up. In the future I think I would work on saying my place names better. I think I did well on my Maori Alphabet
Have you ever used Education Perfect to learn anything???
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Mind Blowing Smart Surfing
This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about smart surfing. Smart surfing is when you find keywords in questions to get more accurate answers. I learnt that when you Google search using keywords you get more accurate results. We had to find keywords in questions to find the more accurate results for example what do spiders eat? If you take out the keywords in that the words are spiders diet.
It was easy to do it but I got a little stuck on the last slide.
It is better to search using keywords because it will give you very accurate results.
Have you ever learnt about smart surfing before?
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Delightful Lunch At Greens
This week in Te Ngahere we went out for lunch for Shivam’s birthday. I was excited to go for lunch because we go every year for his birthday. We went to Greens because his parents own the restaurant.
We ate butter chicken and we got Coca Cola and Sprite. The food was delicious and the drink had lots of sugar in it so it kept me hyped up.
When we were finishing our food we got big easter eggs. We helped clean the restaurant. We surprised Shivam with a happy birthday card and sang happy birthday in Maori and english. We acknowledged his parents for having us by singing three waiata. He said his parents had goosebumps. Have you ever been to a restaurant for a birthday before?

Thursday, March 25, 2021
The Amazing Bush Walk
Last week in Te Ngahere we went on a walk in the bush. We went on this walk to find things we were researching about. It was interesting because we found lots of weird and cool things like fungus, vines, tiny leaves, red ferns, tadpoles, a decomposing tree and fungus growing trees. The walk was fun and I got to climb up a little bank and look at the trees up there. There was a giant tree stump and a tree that was broken with plants growing out of it. Have you ever been on a bush walk before?
Challenging Task Master Of The Week
For a couple weeks in Te Ngahere we have doing taskmaster. In taskmaster we are learning to collaborate and communicate with our learning groups. The challenge was that there were two runners and one drawer the runners could not touch the paper they could only tell the drawer where to put the drawing, the drawer wasn't aloud to go outside and look at the drawing. All of the drawing were a different color. We done 2 attempts the first attempt was with Tyler, Marley and me. I was the drawer marley and tyler were the runners the runners could not touch the paper we had to use different colors.
It was hard being the drawer because the runners were yelling at me and they were saying two things at once. The second time we were in different groups so it was kind of easy because Dez, Marley and me were in a group, Dez was doing good at listening. Dez was the drawer and me and Marley were the runners. It weird being the runner because I hadn't been a runner before ( The picture was very different)
The teachers was not that different to our second but it was very different to our first drawing. If you ever done this would you think it would be easy or hard???
Friday, March 19, 2021
Comparing My Food Web to my Amazing Teachers
Last week in Te Ngahere we started making food webs/ food chains. The whole class now has to compare there drawing to the teachers. If you don't know what a food web is a food web is a way of showing what different things animals and people eat this is called energy transfer. One difference that there is one color of arrows for each transfer of energy. For example whatever the stoat eats the arrow color is red.Another difference is that my teachers has a lot of arrows going from one animal to another. My food web has a bit less arrows then my teachers because I didn't add in the rest of arrows because we had to blog about this ASAP Each arrow has to point to the thing that an animal eats in the native bush for example a stoat eats a kiwi egg the arrow would point from the kiwi egg too the stoat because the stoat gets its energy from the kiwi. I was struggling at the beginning but I eventually got it done. After I finished and I was proud of myself. Have you ever learnt about food webs and what is in the native bush?
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The Most Terrifying Day of my Life
Last week in in the Bay Of Islands we had a tsunami (it didn't happen). We done our class role and evacuated the town. We didn't get to grab our bag or shoes. We went to Totara heights but soon after my uncle came and picked up Tiana, my sister, Tiana’s little sister ,their cousin and me.
My uncle took us home and we packed all our belongings in our bags then we went to the Golf Course. I was glad to see my friends there too. Me and my friends were happy to see each other. So me my sister and friends got out our bags and had coloring competitions, drawing competitions. We done our nails and just for fun we done some make up. I wasn't that scared at first but my sister was. After that I felt ok but then we started to get hungry… but just then there was food!!!!! My nana had chips, drinks, fruit and lollies for me and my sister, there was a sausage sizzle at the top of the golf course and water. We got some water and vortexed the bottle of water.
Have you ever experienced a tsunami before?
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Sharing my Knowledge About an Ecosystem
Last week in Te Ngahere we were learning about an ecosystem. We had to write on a google doc what we know, what we learnt and what we understand. I learnt that an ecosystem has a producer, consumer and a decomposer.
It was hard at first but I started to get the hang of it. It took me a couple days to finish but it is done. When we finished our doc about the ecosystem we had to create a DLO/ Digital Learning Object.
Have you ever learnt about an ecosystem before?
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Powerful Learning About The Kawa Of Care
Hi bloggers this week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about the Kawa of Care for our chromebook. We got to choose what we were going to create for our Kawa of Care DLO/ Digital Learning Object. Me and my group decided to make a comic strip about why you shouldn't take your chromebook outside.
I learnt that you shouldn't take your chromebook outside because it could get wet and break. It was hard to make a comic strip but we finished it and got it marked green. If it gets marked green that means it is complete.
Have you ever made a comic strip before?
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Interesting Facts About Roy Lichtenstein
Hi bloggers this week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about a famous artist Roy Lichtenstein. Roy Lichtenstein was famous for pop art.
I learnt that Roy Lichtenstein was born in New York in 1923. We have not done our art yet but we will be doing it on Monday. We have to predict what art techniques we might use. Me and Mikaila predicted that the art techniques we would use are: Ben Day dots, lines/stripes, shading/color, shapes and angles.
I enjoyed learning about Roy Lichtenstein because I like art.
Have you ever done art with Ben Day Dots?